Hot air ballooning over the Sau reservoir
In Òdena, during the European Balloon Festival
Anoia, a superb region to explore from a hot air balloon
Baptism of hot air
A good place to enjoy the rich landscape of the regions of Barcelona is from the basket of a hot air balloon. From the air, the beauty of the fields and mountains seems to be magnified, and the freedom of flying like a bird will make you feel very intense emotions that will be imprinted in your memory forever. Make the dream of Leonardo da Vinci come true and dare to travel the roads of the sky!
In Paisatges Barcelona, hot air ballooning is always quite an experience, but to do so over a sea of vineyards is an added attraction that is difficult to beat. If you would like to try it, one of the best places to go is the region of Bages, where hot air ballooning is one of the most popular active tourism attractions. The best time to go is early in the morning or late afternoon, when the weather conditions are at their most stable and the light floods everything with its magical particles. The place, to be announced, but be in no doubt that you will be able to enjoy the spectacle of a land in which some of the best wines of Catalonia originate.
Another area where you can let the wind carry you away is Osona. In the capital of the region, there are several companies that invite you to experience a very active hot air adventure, including participating in the preparation, inflating and folding up of the balloon. You will see, from a completely new perspective, the town square of Vic, discover secret trails in Tres Turons Park and, weather permitting, traverse the Plain of Vic until you get to the monastery of Saint Mary of Lluçà – the jewel in the Romanesque crown of Lluçanès.
Isolated from noise and immersed in the serenity of rural life, the lands of Anoia are a superb environment to explore from the Òdena aerodrome. In fact, it is no coincidence that every summer the European Balloon Festival, the most important hot air ballooning event in southern Europe, takes place there. Located at a historic crossroads, the region features spectacular scenery that is impossible to describe in words. You have to see it for yourself!
• On the website of Barcelona is much more, you will find information about some of the companies that organise hot air balloon flights for tourists in the regions of Barcelona. All of them are authorised by the Spanish Civil Aviation Authority.
More information:
Bages Tourist Board Osona Tourist Board
Lluçanès Tourist Board
Anoia Tourist Board
"European Balloon Festival"