Gastronomy and wine tourism

Discover the culinary specialities of the world-renowned cuisine of the regions of Barcelona, along with their five Designation of Origin seals, uncovering the secrets and myriad nuances of the area’s wines and cavas.

Trip ideas

Don’t miss out on our gastronomy and wine tourism plans
<p>Mató de Montserrat</p>

Bages and Anoia are quintessential crop and livestock farming regions. In recent years, various groups of producers and chefs have sprung up that have begun to revive a cuisine with a conscience, based on local products.

<p>Mercat d'aviram a la Fira del Gall de Vilafranca</p>

Some people say that gastronomy is a landscape placed on a table, a striking image that fits the regions of Barcelona like a glove. Thanks to its myriad crops and a prodigiously rich coastline, there’s an endless list of products to discover every day in the market and, from time to time, in one of the many traditional gastronomic festivities celebrated in the area.

<p>Degustació de cerveses artesanes</p>

A steady flow of craft breweries have opened their doors over the last decade in the regions of Barcelona. With every year that passes, local craft beer production grows in volume and diversity, catering for increasingly specialised consumers seeking new taste sensations. If you’re a beer fan and you’d also like to see how it’s made, note down the names of three breweries that usually offer tours of their facilities.

<p>Cigronet de l'Alta Anoia</p>

The region of Anoia boasts a huge range of local products: pulses (such as the chickpea of Alta Anoia), cereals (cereals (such as the rice used to make “paper rice” a famous local stew”), the tasty Calaf sausage, and wildflower honey or olive oil. Although a rich variety of products are grown and produced in the region, some of them are not especially well known. Discover the essence of the gastronomy of Anoia, taking a tour of its most prized flavours.

<p>Ruta del pa al Lluçanès</p>

If you miss real bread, made using artisanal methods, local flours and sourdough, you’ll be pleased to hear that it can still be found in places such as the historic region of Lluçanès, set between the Vic Plain and Berguedà, a special place with a thriving farming sector, where food is not manufactured but made. Whether you’re a modern foodie or a nostalgic old-timer, you’re sure to love the Artisanal Bread and Durum Wheat Route.

<p>Maduixes del Maresme, Arenys de Munt</p>

Would you like to see how the delicious strawberries of the Maresme area are grown? Are you keen to find out how malvasia wine from Sitges is made? Do you fancy seeing a cold cuts production facility in action or having a beekeeper show you their hives? We’ve prepared a gastronomic route for you in the regions of Barcelona on which you’ll discover where everything you eat comes from.

Showing 1 - 6 of 34 results.

Vins i cellers


Coming soon…

Don’t miss a thing!

Go on a lovely bike ride among the vineyards and peach orchards of the Penedès area. Head out with a guide or pedal away at your o...

Cava Centre
Culture and traditions

An immersive, participatory and playful audio-visual activity that takes you on a journey through the origins, history, enigmas an...

Tasta Can Calopa
Culture and traditions

Descobreix el celler on neix l’únic vi elaborat a Barcelona.

Showing 1 - 3 of 37 results.

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Barcelona is wine tourism

Lovers of wine tourism affirm that the regions of Barcelona are a true paradis

And they say so because, in recent years, many activities have been devised to discover the landscapes of the different denominations of origin and, at the same time, taste the wines that are made in each area. Interesting proposals that unite the territory with the world of the grape. Do you want to know them? 





Barcelona is wine tourism

Lovers of wine tourism affirm that the regions of Barcelona are a true paradis

And they say so because, in recent years, many activities have been devised to discover the landscapes of the different denominations of origin and, at the same time, taste the wines that are made in each area. Interesting proposals that unite the territory with the world of the grape. Do you want to know them? 








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