
It was one of the first places in Barcelona to try out show dinners and their risk paid off. El Miranda is one of those restaurants that cannot be recommended for a peaceful evening or intimate conversation. Quite the opposite. Throughout the entire dinner, musicians, drag queens and even trapeze artists put on a show and make sure that you enjoy not only the dinner served at your table but the entire venue. Although they also open at lunchtime serving their menus, it is at night that Miranda demonstrates all its glamour and becomes the perfect meeting place to start off an entertaining evening. The establishment, with an exaggerated, kitsch décor, combines reds, blues, blacks and gold throughout its fittings. Its entrance is entirely lined in leopard print fur, the seats have damask designs, a shining vaulted ceiling, and an enormous lamp hanging over the lounge... This all intends to create an exaggerated theatrical feel where anyone coming for dinner should be prepared to become the star of the show. Order your dinner between musical numbers from the delicious dishes such as the mi-cuit entier de foie, or the tagliatta of veal with rocket and Parmesan cheese, alongside other ideas based on Mediterranean cuisine and products that arrive daily at the Boqueria market. Given that at Miranda they know that the night knows no bounds, there is also an After Dinner menu, with lighter dishes that can be ordered long after the plates have been cleared elsewhere. And you'll see that any time is right to try their Norwegian salmon blinis with radish sauce, the bruschetta with aubergine caponata or their classic sushi.
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