Regions and municipalities

We work hand in hand with local councils and regional entities in tourism planning and management by providing consultancy services and resources for the structuring and promotion of the area.

Catalogue of services 

Subsidies and funding

See the full list of tourism resources, video tutorials to fill in application forms and all the relevant information and terms and conditions.

Sustainable tourism: the Biosphere Commitment


Towards more sustainable tourism

The Regions of Barcelona Biosphere Commitment to Tourism Sustainability is a programme promoted by the Tourism Services Management Office of Barcelona Provincial Council with the support of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce. It is implemented through regional tourism management bodies.

The goal of the project is to recognise companies, services and entities that are committed to a management model that is environmentally and culturally friendly and that ensures a social return on investment by adopting a methodology geared towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN Agenda 2030.

If you wish to...

  • Position yourself in an emerging market
  • Boost your credibility and reputation
  • Attract new sustainably-conscious customers
  • Differentiate yourself and stand out from the competition
  • Generate added value for your products and services
  • Establish new relationships with other sustainable entities
  • Consolidate your entity in the long term
  • Contribute to boosting a more sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism sector

Join the sustainable tourism challenge!

Tourism signposting


Would you like to signpost paths in your municipality?

Technical support and material for tourism signposting.

Tourism intelligence

Data is essential for a good analysis

Analysis and interpretation of data to assist in the decision-making process. At LABturisme you’ll find the studies, reports, statistics and training you need to boost your business on the basis of verified data.

Cursos i formació

Formació i transferència

Accions formatives dirigides a tècnics de turisme, càrrecs electes, empresaris i agents turístics de les comarques de Barcelona.

Territorial Tourism Network


How are we organised?

Regional tourism bodies make it possible to bring together the public and private sectors of a region in order to work together to achieve sustainable economic development.

Tourist Information Points (TIPs) 

Would you like to join the network? 

The network of Tourist Information Points complements the visitor attention and information service offered by the network of Tourist Offices, thus improving the coverage and quality of the tourist information provided in the area.

Barcelona Blue Routes


The Barcelona Blue Routes are a set of paths for walkers and cyclists that stretch along the banks of the Llobregat, Cardener and Anoia rivers.

European projects 


Networking with the European Union and Mediterranean destinations to obtain funding, generate synergies and share good practices in tourism management. 

How to be featured on the website and in the newsletter and social media of @BCNmoltmés 


Would you like to publicise your events?

We provide a platform to publicise your events, activities, festivals and fairs, ensuring their success. 

How do we promote your destination? 


Marketing strategy 

We explain the tourism marketing strategy and how to boost the promotion of your municipality or destination.

Do you have a business? Join the Tourism Circle 


We help you to position and promote your company in order to contribute to the sustainable development of Destination Barcelona. Studies, data analysis and identification of opportunities.



  • Support in the creation and structuring of tourism products
  • Development of sustainable tourism
  • Generating and sharing knowledge through meetings and training sessions
  • Fostering relationships between businesses and destinations
  • Tourism marketing actions: promotion, advertising and dissemination

Tourism management body of the regions of Barcelona

Would you like to
contact us?

We’d love to hear from you and find out about your project.
Just fill in the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.