Landscapes Barcelona

There are plenty of hidden corners in the inland regions of Barcelona, where living in harmony with nature is still possible. Explore its four inland regions and an array of travel ideas.

Accreditation of the Biosphere distinction

What to do in Landscapes Barcelona

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Ideas for enjoying nature close to Barcelona

If you’re the sort of person who enjoys combining cultural visits in cities with nature excursions, here are four of the routes favoured by Barcelona locals, who also like to get away from it all and enjoy the outdoors, especially when these beauty spots are so close to home. These routes offer something for everyone and, like almost every other route in the country, can be enjoyed all year round.

Geotourism in the heart of Catalonia

A good way to explore the Bages and Moianès regions is to follow the suggestions of the Geopark of Central Catalonia, which unifies the valuable geological and mining heritage of the area. Although it may be hard to believe, this area was ocean 37 million years ago. In fact, the evidence of its presence is there to see in the many spectacular rock formations and natural resources that have survived to this day!

Baptism of hot air

A good place to enjoy the rich landscape of the regions of Barcelona is from the basket of a hot air balloon. From the air, the beauty of the fields and mountains seems to be magnified, and the freedom of flying like a bird will make you feel very intense emotions that will be imprinted in your memory forever. Make the dream of Leonardo da Vinci come true and dare to travel the roads of the sky!

Paths to Heaven

The pilgrim is perhaps the most ancient kind of tourist. Motivated by a desire for spiritual growth, pilgrims walk long distances, exploring new landscapes and different cultures with the goal of achieving a more sublime reality. Nevertheless, nowadays the profile of pilgrims has diversified considerably and religious routes have become more than paths to self-knowledge. Here you have 4 routes for modern pilgrims.


More Landscapes Barcelona suggestions

Plans for your stay

Half-way between the Montseny Massif and the Pyrenees, Sau Valley and Collsacabra Plateau is a complex landscape, most known for its cliff faces, abundant water and isolated villages, rich in legends. This is a landscape where nature exerts a hypnotic effect on the visitor and that, once seen, alwys stays with you. If you visit the area, part of your heart will remain here forever!

<p>Cloister of Santa Maria de l'Estany monastery</p>

Moianès is the best-kept secret of the regions of Barcelona. Maybe because it’s small, or perhaps because it’s surrounded by three vast counties —Bages, Osona and Vallès Oriental—, but if you come here, you'll discover a land with fascinating heritage and a character all of its own. How about getting to know this unique jewel?

<p>Time to eat mushrooms</p>

Throughout the year, the diversity of the regions of Barcelona's landscapes offers a world of possibilities for enjoying gastronomic pleasures. In autumn, though, the range of food available in the province's markets is even richer, and its dishes are full of the delicious and stunning flavours that characterise Catalonian cuisine. With the pantry full of seasonal produce, you will be grateful for the arrival of the cold!

Showing 25 - 27 of 60 results.

Explore an area with a rural heart

A land that invites you to discover chapels, castles and vestiges of several historical periods

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