
A captivating landscape with spectacular mountains and a land of myths and legends. Discover the region through its country life, gastronomic delights and outdoor activities.

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A respite in nature

Peace and quiet. Berguedà is a paradise for those who need to flee from the city and get away from it all, even if only for a few hours, in nature at its most peaceful. Stress is nowhere to be seen in this mountain region... and nobody misses it at all! This is a land where purity reigns.

Life in textile model villages

If you have a curious mind and are looking for a family-friendly activity, then plan a day trip to the colònies tèxtils (textile model villages) of the regions of Barcelona. Built between the end of the 19th century and the early 20th century, they’re still full of working machines, fabrics you’re allowed to touch and plenty of amazing stories. Ready to journey into the past?

The Cathars’ Route

Looking for an alternative to the usual mountain destinations? In the Pirineus Barcelona area, you can follow in the footsteps of the Cathars along the Camí dels Bons Homes (Path of the Good Men), a trans-Pyrenean route stretching from the Sanctuary of Queralt, in Berga, to the Château de Montségur, in the Ariège department in Southern France. This route is now a Long-Distance Path (GR-107) and is suitable for hikers, equestrians and —in most sections— mountain bikers. It’s a truly unforgettable experience, however you choose to travel it!


Coming soon…

Don’t miss a thing!

Tria entre un munt de propostes per descobrir cada cap de setmana un parc natural diferent.

Visita guiada al Monestir de Sant Llorenç
Culture and traditions

Visita guiada per un historiador.

Església de Pedret
Culture and traditions

Visita guiada amb un historiador a l'església de Sant Quirze de Pedret.


Si ets a prop de Baga, vine a conèixer aquesta exposició de les obres presentades al 32è Concurs de Fotografia del Parc Natural de...

Centre astronòmic del Pedraforca

Mira cap al cel i descobreix un cel nocturn de qualitat!

Concert de piano i trompeta
Culture and traditions

Concert de piano i trompeta: David Quintana i Sergi Serra.

Showing 1 - 6 of 20 results.

Take a trip around Berguedà!

Abraham Orriols shows us the hidden corners of Gósol, Saldes, Gisclareny and Vallcebre. Other attractions include Pedraforca, one of the most famous mountains in the Mediterranean region, Picasso’s legacy in the area and Europe’s second most important palaeontology centre!


Guides and maps

Plan your stay

Cities and towns. Choose where you want to go!

Where to eat?

From Michelin-starred restaurants to small mountain inns who serve hearty traditional breakfasts

Catalan cuisine

Slow food

Local Products

Culinary associations


Where to sleep?

A romantic weekend, a family holidays or a business meeting – in Barcelona's regions, you can find accommodation for all occasions!

Hostels and refuges


Rural tourism




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