Alt Penedès

Never-ending vineyards represent the Alt Penedès unique landmark. Scattered with farmhouses and small rural towns, the region showcases a surprising architectural and archaeological heritage.

Perfect plans!

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The Miravinya route: lookout points of the wine-growing landscape

La Cadira (The Chair), La Bardera (named after a nearby ancient farmhouse), El Circell (The Tendril), Sant Pau (Saint Paul) and Balcó del Penedès (Balcony of the Penedès) are the names of the five lookout points that form part of the Miravinya route. This route, designed to be travelled by car, is a fantastic way to discover a good part of the geography of the Alt Penedès region, along with its culture and history. In addition to vineyards, you can also explore mediaeval castles, paper mills, chapels, monasteries, towns and villages, and natural areas of great interest.

Wine in a museum!

The Catalan Wine Cultures Museum is housed in the former Royal Palace of Vilafranca del Penedès, on the Costa Barcelona. Better known as the VINSEUM, its fascinating collection appeals to the senses, vividly evoking memories and experiences. Come on in and prepare to be amazed!

Bottled sensations

To enter the domains of the Penedès DO is to open oneself up to a world of sensations where everything is possible. You can taste the elixir extracted from the xarel·lo grape variety, smell the numerous species of medicinal plants, enjoy a waterfall and thrill to the sight of a human tower being crowned by the enxaneta (typically, a child of about five years old). Accompany us on this route through Alt Penedès, a land that leaves its mark.

The kingdom of cava

If you want to know everything about the world of cava, the town of Sant Sadurní d'Anoia has a cava centre, where you can expand your knowledge and hear lots of anecdotes. Cava Centre, a former distillery built in 1814, now offers a fascinating journey through the kingdom of the bubbly elixir – a drink that has demolished the boundaries of the regions of Barcelona.


Coming soon…

Don’t miss a thing!

Tria entre un munt de propostes per descobrir cada cap de setmana un parc natural diferent.

Ordal Peach
Gastronomy and wine tourism

A unique peach thanks to the properties provided by the dryland farming. Buy this delicious fruit at the Ordal Peach Market.

Culture and traditions

Vine a gaudir del patrimoni d'una forma diferent: posta de sol, música en directe, gastronomia de proximitat, un espectacle de llu...

Cava Centre
Culture and traditions

Una proposta audiovisual immersiva, participativa i lúdica que t'endinsarà en un viatge pels orígens, la història, els enigmes i s...


Fes un agradable passeig en bicicleta entre vinyes i presseguers del Penedès. Pots triar entre una ruta guiada o al teu aire segui...

Art i estrelles al Castell de Gelida
Culture and traditions

En un entorn incomparable, vine a gaudir de l'astronomia, la creativitat i els teus sentits!

Showing 1 - 6 of 18 results.

Count on us

Discover the real Penedès: find the invisible ones who look after you day after day, making sure that you have unforgettable experiences! Penedès, where the unexpected awaits you.

Guides and maps

Plan your stay

Cities and towns. Choose where you want to go!

Where to eat?

From Michelin-starred restaurants to small mountain inns who serve hearty traditional breakfasts

Catalan cuisine

Slow food

Local Products

Culinary associations


Where to sleep?

A romantic weekend, a family holidays or a business meeting – in Barcelona's regions, you can find accommodation for all occasions!

Hostels and refuges


Rural tourism




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