Festa Major de les Neus

Festa Major (Main Town Festival) of Les Neus

Music, traditions and activities for all the family! Enjoy the invitation to the festival, the 12 mortars, the correfoc (fireworks parade), the human tower building and so much more!

The Mare de Déu de les Neus (Our Lady of the Snows) became the patron saint of Vilanova i la Geltrú in 1781 when the town sought her protection after a hailstorm destroyed the grape harvest. Since then, the Festa Major (Main Town Festival) has been celebrated at the start of August. Vilanova i la Geltrú is filled with fire, dancing and human towers in a festival that is led by seven locals known as pabordes, to commemorate a mediaeval figure. If you’d like to find out more, you’ll have to come and experience the Festa Major of Les Neus for yourself!


19/07/2025 - 06/08/2025


Vilanova i la Geltrú



On the map