
Carnaval a les comarques de Barcelona és molt més!

Totes les rues, disfresses, tallers infantils, concursos i comparses per gaudir de la festa més boja de l'any.
Six community feasts for Carnival

Carnival is about much more than fancy dress, parades with floats, satirical speeches and traditional dances. Gluttony and a certain amount of drunkenness characterise these festivities, and there are plenty of occasions to fill your belly between Fat Thursday and Ash Wednesday. But always as part of a group, because the “King of the Layabouts” can’t bear solitude. Would you like to discover some of heartiest communal feasts organised for Carnival?

5 essential carnivals

There are 5 unmissable carnivals in the regions of Barcelona for those who enjoy dressing up, fun revolutions and excesses of all kinds. From Dijous Gras or Fat Thursday (the last Thursday before Lent) to Ash Wednesday, the only thing on everyone's mind in Vilanova, Vilafranca, Sitges, Sallent and Torelló is enjoying the annual visit of the Rei Carnestoltes (Carnival King) to the full. Are you ready to celebrate the party of parties?

Delicious Lent

In ancient times, when Vella Quaresma (Old Lady Lent) arrived with her seven legs poking out from under her skirt, everyone knew what it meant: it was time for fasting and abstinence! After all the excesses encouraged by the Carnestoltes (Carnival King), it was time to go on a diet, forsaking meat, eggs and milk in preparation for Easter. However, these restrictions didn’t mean that dishes were plain or basic; not by a long chalk! Our ancestors knew how to make the most of the ingredients that were allowed in order to carry on enjoying good cuisine; traditional dishes that are still made today in homes across Catalonia or at the culinary get-togethers held over the seven weeks of Lent.


Què fer per Carnaval a les comarques de Barcelona?

Carnaval t'espera per riure, jugar, cantar, ballar, disfressar-te i gaudir de tots els esdeveniments que es fan als pobles i ciutats de les comarques de Barcelona... Sitges, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Sallent, Vilafranca, Torelló... Tu decideixes!
Sallent Carnival
Culture and traditions

The wildest carnival in Central Catalonia

Fat Thursday in Vic
Culture and traditions

As befits a region well known for its cured sausages, Osona celebrates Fat Thursday with a great festival. Do you fancy coming alo...

Sitges Carnival
Culture and traditions

One of the best-known festive events in the regions of Barcelona. The Sitges Carnival has over 100 years of history!

Terra Endins Carnival
Culture and traditions

It’s the most famous carnival in the Osona area. The Inland Carnival of Torelló lasts a whole week!

Carnaval in Vilanova i la Geltrú – King Carnestoltes
Culture and traditions

The Vilanova i la Geltrú Carnival offers something different every year, but it preserves the traditional elements that have chara...