
In the village of Sant Llorenç Savall is L'Armengol, a rural house set on a hill and surrounded by nature. It has two spacious triple rooms which are bright and beautifully decorated. Nearby is the Parc Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt i de l'Obac, where guests can go hiking and learn about the local flora and fauna.The landscape is rugged, with high cliffs and plant life that crawls across the mountain or is embedded in the typical troughs and channels. The highest peaks are La Mola, at 1,095 metres above the sea, and El Montcau, which stands at a height of 1,053 metres, where guests can practice rock climbing. guests can also go hiking or mountain biking in the area around the house.
Record No. PB-000299 Type of accommodation
Rural accommodation
Ears of wheat
No rating
Accommodation equipment
Air conditioned
Hire options
Whole house
Bicycle hire
Swimming pool
Outdoor Playground
Access by non-paved road

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