Can Pau de la Rosa

Today, Can Pau de la Roca combines the flavours of old and traditional with the modern, and all modern conveniences, from the fireplace to the flat screen TV. It does not lose the essence of the rural environment, and this is demonstrated by the stone façade openings and the iconic sundial. The establishment offers accommodation in the country house itself, which can be rented as a whole or by room, and in the cabin, a small wooden house for two people.The estate has many interesting places to visit and enjoy. Theses include two closed areas for donkeys and horses, the stone well, the pond in which guests can swim in summer, the organic garden and a small farm with chickens and hens. For those wishing to stroll through nature, there is also a lush forest of oaks and pines with corners offering panoramic views over the estate.
Record No. PB-000615 Type of accommodation
Rural accommodation
Ears of wheat
No rating
Accommodation equipment
Air conditioned
Cots available
Public transport nearby
Pets allowed
Access by non-paved road

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