El Bruguer Vell

El Bruguer Vell is a farmhouse dedicated to vineyard cultivation in La Vall del Tenes. Its location in a quiet spot halfway between Granollers and Caldes de Montbui, guarantees the possibility of interesting getaways.The old wine tradition in the area, almost forgotten, and excellent soil quality have led to the creation Vinyes del Bruguer, a brand that follows the ecological and sustainable cultivation model.Part of the philosophy of the accommodation is the possibility of learning about the process of viticulture and winemaking. Respect for traditional techniques involves harvesting the fruit by hand, selecting the grapes and pressing them with a pneumatic press.
Record No. PB-000381 Type of accommodation
Farm worker’s houses or agrotourism establishments
Masía (Country house)
Ears of wheat
No rating
Accommodation equipment
Air conditioned
Hire options
Local produce
Public transport nearby
Swimming pool
Access by non-paved road

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