
Somorrostro was the name of the gypsy village on Barceloneta beach where the popular figure Carmen Amaya was born. This restaurant pays homage to food that avoids all the clichés of this sea-faring neighbourhood and focuses on fresh and seasonal produce. The dining room, located on the ground floor, has many nooks and crannies in its rustic décor. When you go inside, you can see the kitchen and a slate board featuring the dishes of the day. It is therefore a short menu although it manages to include market products and meat from Argentina. Its dishes include a fresh prawn stir-fry, octopus on a bed of potato and red pepper oil, char-grilled crayfish on vegetables with guacamole, fresh tuna with ajada garlic sauce and romescu soup, country-style black pudding with squid or cod confit with crunchy black pudding. In terms of desserts, you can choose from hazelnut parfait with prune compote or Santa Teresa toast with yoghurt ice cream, two of the house specialities. Its wine list includes around fifty interesting references at reasonable prices. They offer a daily menu at a very good price for the first twenty people coming to the restaurant.
Average price
Credit cards accepted
Access for disabled people
Wine list
Air conditioned

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