Vinseum - Museu de les Cultures del Vi de Catalunya

Vinseum, Museum of the Wine Cultures of Catalonia is located in the center of Vilafranca, in a former medieval palace built between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Open since 1935, it is one of the oldest wine museums in Europe.Vinseum has an extraordinary background; its huge collections bear witness to the history of a territory which, since ancient times, has been marked by grape growing and production of wine. Vinseum's permanent exhibition was completely renovated in 2012.Territory, history, botany, economics, social significance, myths and pleasure of wine; all these can be found in a glass of wine. Vinseum offers visitors an experience that is addressed to all their senses, which summons all your memories and feelings about wine, invites you to ask questions about the world around us with a passionate and funny method. And with a spectacular staging.The tour ends with a wine tasting at the museum's tavern.
Type of centre
Type of museum
Access for disabled people
Library / documentation centre
Audio guides
Guided tours
Seals and certificates Cercle de Turisme de la Diputació de Barcelona Biosphere Committed

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