
In the Pyrenean districts a vast range of cheeses are made which are unique by virtue of their very characteristic quality and flavour. Amongst these cheeses mention must be made of Alt Urgell and Cerdanya, the only one with the Catalan Designation of Origin. Their production started during the early 20th century as the result of the phylloxera plague which meant that many rural people had to change their way of life. In 1915 some of them founded the Cadí Farming Cooperative, which still exists today and produces 170 tonnes every year. The cheese is made using pasteurised Friesian cow's milk which is collected daily. Given that the curing time is a maximum of one month, it has a creamy and soft texture with small holes, a sweet and penetrating aroma, and a mild flavour, with a salty aftertaste. As for the colour, the inside is whitish with an ivory shade and is covered with a natural brownish skin. It can only be purchased as whole pieces weighing approximately two and a half kilos labelled with the Protected Designation of Origin. This cheese can be eaten as a starter, and is particular delicious accompanied by dried fruit, fresh fruit or young wines. In El Alt Urgell El Montsec cheese, is also made using goat's milk. Semi-cured, it is soft and protected by an ash skin. Another traditional Pyrenean variety is the tupí, a fermented cheese which can be spread. It has a strong and intense flavour, with a liqueur aftertaste. It is mixed with the cow or goat's milk rennet in an earthenware container called a tupí, from where it gets its name. El Garrotxa, also known as pell florida ('mouldy skin'), is a soft artisan cheese, made from cow or goat's milk. Its skin forms a beige crust. It is white on the inside and has a sharp, creamy and mild flavour. All of these cheeses can be found in specialised establishments throughout Catalonia and can be sampled, for example in the Fira de Sant Ermengol, in La Seu d'Urgell, held in mid-October and during which there is a selection of artisan cheeses from the Pyrenees, with more than a hundred different varieties.
Alt Urgell
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