Bufet potato

It would seem that the bufet potato originates from a variety which is usually grown in Brittany in France, the Beauvais Institute, and was imported to the district of Osona. In fact, it is only harvested in this region.Its ripening process is long and, as such, the harvest is late, at the end of September. It is a large potato with thin skin and white flesh. Its flavour is very creamy. Moreover, it is served to accompany many meals, playing a fundamental role in dishes such as cod with potatoes, trumfada, purée with milk or ajo quemado, an unskinned fish dish with potatoes and a lot of garlic.Above all, it can be found in the markets in Osona, especially in the vicinity of Orís. Since 1994, this is the venue for the Mercat de la Patata del Bufet, where up to fifty tonnes are sold. It is held every Sunday in October in the morning in the rectory gardens.During the market, there is a gastronomic sampling which is carried out by the village women. It is a great opportunity to try a traditional dish from Orís: farcells made of potato, carrot, leek and veal.

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