Autumn, Halloween and Chestnut Festival

What’s your favourite time of year? Autumn is perfect for strolling in forests and savouring the colours of the leaves. We’ve got plenty of ideas for breathing in nature and serenity in the heart of the most amazing landscapes.

What do you fancy?

Cal Rosal Wild Mushroom Market
Gastronomy and wine tourism

Woodwaxes, bloody milk caps, grey knights, yellow foot chanterelles... When the wild mushroom season arrives, the towns of the Ber...

Ruta indiana i cementiri
Culture and traditions

Ruta guiada per descobrir el patrimoni indià i el cementiri on veurem els panteons més importants.


Veniu a gaudir d'una matinal tardoral a Viladrau per descobrir un dels moments més màgics al Montseny i conèixer el món dels casta...

Gastronomy and wine tourism

Gaudeix d’una experiència especial amb la nostra visita Brunch & Wine, pensada per a aquells que busquen un pla diferent en un...

Viladrau Chestnut Fair
Gastronomy and wine tourism

The Viladrau Chestnut Fair is sure to surprise you with its unique products, the explosion of colours of its autumn landscape and ...


Caminada guiada al bosc per descobrir-ne el paisatge i conèixer les diferents varietats de bolets que hi creixen.

Showing 1 - 6 of 12 results.

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5 paisatges de tardor

Tardor, també dita rerevera, la fresca comença a omplir l'ambient i la llum declina cada jorn més prest. Són els dies en què molts arbres van despullant-se del fullam, o tinten les copes d'ocres i vermells. Sens dubte, un moment extraordinari per fer una visita als boscos, no només per caçar-hi bolets sinó per gaudir plenament d'un paisatge captivador, cromàticament insuperable. T'indiquem cinc d'aquests indrets fantàstics a les comarques de Barcelona. 

The Night of Souls

According to tradition, Halloween night is when the dead return to visit the world of the living. In homes across Catalonia, trays filled with chestnuts, panellets (little almond cakes) and dessert wine await them. Meanwhile, the welcome continues outdoors with fun-filled parties where they enjoy the gift of life before returning to their resting place. Don’t leave them to dance on their own! Here are some of the festivities that celebrate the night of the dead.

Picnics and mushroom hunting, a great day out

One of the most closely-guarded secrets by Catalan families is the set of coordinates for the spots where they go mushroom hunting when autumn comes around. We’re ready to show you some places where you might find some mushrooms at the feet of trees, although we can’t guarantee that they’ll be there because various climatic and environmental factors come into play. Remember to pick only mushrooms that you’re familiar with and to be respectful of the local nature. Some of the picnic areas listed here have barbecue facilities, so you might even get to cook the mushrooms you’ve picked.

Three stories about witches for Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner and it’s a great occasion to tell stories that make our hair stand on end. We want to give it our own special touch, so we’ve sought out the best legends about witchcraft in the regions of Barcelona. What’s more, you’ll see that they can also be turned into family outings. A hiking trail is more enjoyable if you’re familiar with the mythology behind it.


Showing 1 - 4 of 6 results.