Museu Mares de la Punta

The Arenys de Mar Museum is spread over two buildings, the first belonging to the Museu Marès de la Punta and the second to the Museu Mollfulleda de Mineralogia. Set up in the old Sant Jaume hospital from the 17th century, the Museu Marès de la Punta occupies three storeys, with a façade typical of 18th-century architecture. The theme of the permanent exhibition focuses on decorative arts, ethnology and bobbin lace, since the museum was founded on the sculptor Frederic Marès's donation of his private collection of picot and lacework, as well as the collection from the old Museu Municipal Fidel Fita. The spinning instruments and tat used by the lace makers, the pattern books used by merchants in the 18th and 19th centuries, and temporary exhibitions are exhibited on the ground floor. On the first floor there is a magnificent collection of blond lace and bobbin lace in both secular and sacred apparel. On this same floor we come across 18th and 19th century patterns and several needle-point pieces from the 16th to 17th centuries, as well as black silk lace. A room dedicated to lacework techniques from the 15th to the 18th centuries rounds out the inventory on this floor. On the top floor, embroidery and some needlework from the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as photographs and engravings of the time give an idea as to the historic tradition of lacework in Maresme. The Museu Mollfulleda de Mineralogia, in the building where Josep Baralt founded the State's first nautical school in 1779, was created in the wake of the donation of Joaquim Mollfulleda i Borrell's private collection and consists of several sections: Catalonian minerals, mineral systematics and a didactic section for experts and students.
Type of centre
Type of museum
Decorative arts
Access for disabled people
Seals and certificates Cercle de Turisme de la Diputació de Barcelona Biosphere Committed

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