Casa de Colònies-Escola de Natura Can Grau

Near Olivella, Casa de Colònies-Escola de Natura Can Grau (the Can Grau Nature Summer Camp and school), operates in an old winemaking masía (or country house) from the 14th century, a building located on the highest point with a landscape that is very characteristic of the area and which has been redesigned for short stays. The house shares the area with the Observatori Astronòmic del Garraf, an astronomical observatory that has cutting-edge equipment for observing stars. The house has a 52-people capacity, a dining room for 100 people, two nature rooms and an 80 square metres multi-purpose room. This hostel is known for its educational activities, like the routes specifically designed for people with visual impairments. These activities aim to deepen visitor’s understanding of the environment, as well as the man-made establishment, which is the modern-day Parc del Garraf.
Nature environment
Dining room
Swimming pool
Seals and certificates Biosphere Committed

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