Costa Barcelona

It all starts with the sea in this amazing area. Discover its six regions and a whole host of travel ideas.

Accreditation of the Biosphere distinction

What to do on the Costa Barcelona

Explore travel ideas
On the beach with children

When the good weather arrives, the beach is one of the tourist attractions that everyone likes, especially families with children, since the huge variety of seaside activities on offer guarantee hours of playtime, physical exercise and entertainment. What's more, on the Costa Barcelona there are six towns that hold the Family Holiday Destination seal, which means they're particularly attentive to children's needs. Would you like to know which ones they are?

Landscapes of wine and cava

If you don’t know how organic, biodynamic and natural wines differ from each other but you’d like to find out, take a trip around the regions of Barcelona. From Alt Penedès to Maresme, passing through Bages, there are many wineries that adopt a green approach to winemaking, producing extremely high-quality wines without harming the environment. Some of the names may well ring a bell, while others will be new discoveries: small, family-run companies with limited production and strong environmental awareness. The seven suggestions below are likely to make you a convert to sustainable wine tourism.

Ideas for enjoying nature close to Barcelona

If you’re the sort of person who enjoys combining cultural visits in cities with nature excursions, here are four of the routes favoured by Barcelona locals, who also like to get away from it all and enjoy the outdoors, especially when these beauty spots are so close to home. These routes offer something for everyone and, like almost every other route in the country, can be enjoyed all year round.

Modernista 'souvenirs'

Very close to Barcelona you will find a great many examples of modernista works created between the 19th and 20th centuries. Urban palaces and holiday homes, churches and hospitals, warehouses and gardens, factories and cellars, all with the signature of the great architects of the movement in Catalonia: Antoni Gaudí, Lluís Domènech i Montaner, and Josep Puig i Cadafalch, among others. To commemorate this cultural trend, different towns and cities are organizing festivals and fairs to recover their aesthetic quality. Want to find out more about them?


More Costa Barcelona suggestions

Plans for your stay
<p>El Masnou beach</p>

In your opinion, what is the greatest thing about Maresme? Summer? Its many sunny days and good weather all year round? Its bright blue skies? That there is no need to choose between the sea and the mountains? There are many reasons to come and visit Maresme... Today we add another one: The Maresme region boasts a hundred companies certified with the Biosphere sustainability label. This involves people working to improve products and services and minimise the impact on nature and the environment. Below you will find some of these 100 plans for you to choose from this summer. Read on, as they will surprise you!

<p>Casa Alegre de Sagrera a Terrassa</p>

Si hi ha un moviment artístic vinculat a Barcelona aquest és el Modernisme. Símbol d’ostentació i modernitat dels burgesos de l’època, avui ens queden molts exemples d’aquesta revolució estètica que posava èmfasi en les formes corbes i ressaltava la importància del detall i de l’artesania.

Barcelona és l’epicentre d’aquest art d’avantguarda.A més, molt a prop de la ciutat, a les diferents comarques de Barcelona, també hi ha grans joies que, potser, per no ser al passeig de Gràcia, han passat més desapercebudes. Si encara no les has visitat, has de fer-ho tan aviat com puguis.

<p>Caiac als Colls-Miralpeix</p>

Aquest estiu, refresca’t en família! Remullades, rutes vora el mar, esports aquàtics i banys d’aigua dolça. Si et falten idees per passar uns mesos de calor ben fresquets, aquí et proposem 9 idees per gaudir al màxim amb els petits de casa. Agafa el banyador, les xancletes i la tovallola i prepara’t per viure aventures úniques. 

Showing 85 - 87 of 88 results.

It all starts with the sea

The unique Catalan modernist heritage, amazing natural areas and a strong wine tourism tradition make for the perfect cocktail


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