Costa Barcelona

It all starts with the sea in this amazing area. Discover its six regions and a whole host of travel ideas.

Accreditation of the Biosphere distinction

What to do on the Costa Barcelona

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An unforgettable outdoor shopping experience

Just 40 minutes from Barcelona, discover La Roca Village, one of the eleven luxury shopping destinations in The Bicester Village Shopping Collection. Explore more than 140 boutiques of the world's best fashion and lifestyle brands with discounts of up to 60% off the original price throughout the year, in a safe and privileged environment.

5 essential human tower building events

Strength, balance, courage and common sense, the four key concepts of human tower building, repeated like a mantra by its practitioners. For spectators, the most appropriate words might be thrills, nerves, suspense and joy. Without a doubt, to experience a human tower building event is to navigate a sea of sensations. So it’s no wonder that UNESCO inscribed this Catalan tradition par excellence on its list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Modernista 'souvenirs'

Very close to Barcelona you will find a great many examples of modernista works created between the 19th and 20th centuries. Urban palaces and holiday homes, churches and hospitals, warehouses and gardens, factories and cellars, all with the signature of the great architects of the movement in Catalonia: Antoni Gaudí, Lluís Domènech i Montaner, and Josep Puig i Cadafalch, among others. To commemorate this cultural trend, different towns and cities are organizing festivals and fairs to recover their aesthetic quality. Want to find out more about them?

On the beach with children

When the good weather arrives, the beach is one of the tourist attractions that everyone likes, especially families with children, since the huge variety of seaside activities on offer guarantee hours of playtime, physical exercise and entertainment. What's more, on the Costa Barcelona there are six towns that hold the Family Holiday Destination seal, which means they're particularly attentive to children's needs. Would you like to know which ones they are?


More Costa Barcelona suggestions

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<p>Casa Alegre de Sagrera a Terrassa</p>

Si hi ha un moviment artístic vinculat a Barcelona aquest és el Modernisme. Símbol d’ostentació i modernitat dels burgesos de l’època, avui ens queden molts exemples d’aquesta revolució estètica que posava èmfasi en les formes corbes i ressaltava la importància del detall i de l’artesania.

Barcelona és l’epicentre d’aquest art d’avantguarda.A més, molt a prop de la ciutat, a les diferents comarques de Barcelona, també hi ha grans joies que, potser, per no ser al passeig de Gràcia, han passat més desapercebudes. Si encara no les has visitat, has de fer-ho tan aviat com puguis.

<p>El bosc de la Grevolosa, a Osona</p>

De vegades no cal fer un cim o un ruta molt exigent per trobar racons màgics. De vegades aquests paratges que ens imaginem quan pensem en desconnexió són més a prop del que ens pensem i arribar-hi no requereix gaire esforç. Si necessites respirar verd, però no estàs molt en forma o et falta temps, no tens excusa. Les sis rutes que et proposem a continuació són fàcils i només necessites entre una i tres hores per gaudir de la natura i el patrimoni. Gairebé ni et cansaràs! 

<p>Camins per gaudir de Gallecs</p>

L’Espai Rural de Gallecs, al terme de Mollet del Vallès, és un parèntesi enmig d’una zona totalment urbana; un oasi de tranquil·litat per al modern i actiu Vallès. Aquí, la preservació de la natura i l’agricultura tradicional s’uneixen a la pràctica del lleure i les activitats d’educació ambiental.

Showing 73 - 75 of 99 results.

It all starts with the sea

The unique Catalan modernist heritage, amazing natural areas and a strong wine tourism tradition make for the perfect cocktail


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