Fires i festes

Viu les festes i sent l'esperit de la cultura viva dels pobles. Les festes i fires populars conformen el calendari posant emfàsi en les estacions i les tradicions. S'han de viure!

Calendari de festes populars

Festa Major (Main Town Festival) of Les Neus
Culture and traditions

Music, traditional celebrations and activities for all the family! Enjoy the festival welcome speech, the firing of the 12 mortar ...

Festa Major (Main Town Festival) of Igualada
Culture and traditions

The Festa Major of Igualada is one of the oldest in Catalonia. Enjoy the traditions celebrated in honour of Sant Bartomeu (Saint B...

Culture and traditions

Showing 1 - 3 of 17 results.

Properes fires

Culture and traditions

Artesania local

Cal Rosal Wild Mushroom Market
Gastronomy and wine tourism

Woodwaxes, bloody milk caps, grey knights, yellow foot chanterelles... When the wild mushroom season arrives, the towns of the Ber...

Culture and traditions

El cap de setmana del 28 i 29 de setembre, el barri de Sant Sebastià de Sitges es transforma en un gran aparador d'art, oferint la...

Showing 1 - 3 of 16 results.

Més sobre festes i fires

<p>Esclat de Foc 2021 (Foto: Associació Festa de la Fil·loxera)</p>

El cava és conegut internacionalment i acostuma a presidir molts àpats i celebracions importants. Forma part de la nostra quotidianitat i és una de les begudes que sempre veus a taula, des que ets petit i et preguntes si aquelles bombolles que no et deixen tastar faran pessigolles a la boca. Però, has pensat mai com i per què es va començar a produir cava al Penedès? La història ens porta a Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, en uns moments dramàtics del segle XIX, quan la fil·loxera va acabar amb el 90% de les vinyes de tot Europa...

<p>Main Festival of Vilafranca del Penedès</p>

In this ancient country we're passionate about protecting and celebrating our festivals and traditions. We enjoy our great Mediterranean climate, sea, landscape and traditions with festive, joyful and infectious enthusiasm! Drop everything and join us as we usher in the main festivals of our towns and cities. In addition to paying homage to the local patron saint, you can enjoy plenty of other activities in these popular and inclusive festivals: street parades, gegants and capgrossos (papier mâché giant and "big head" figures), trabucaires (bandits carrying blunderbuss guns), music, dancing, diables (groups of people dressed as devils who set off fireworks) and spectacular human towers.

<p>Castellers de Vilafranca</p>

Strength, balance, courage and common sense, the four key concepts of human tower building, repeated like a mantra by its practitioners. For spectators, the most appropriate words might be thrills, nerves, suspense and joy. Without a doubt, to experience a human tower building event is to navigate a sea of sensations. So it’s no wonder that UNESCO inscribed this Catalan tradition par excellence on its list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Showing 1 - 3 of 9 results.