Pyrenees Barcelona

A captivating landscape with spectacular mountains and a land of myths and legends. Discover the region through its country life, gastronomic delights and outdoor activities.

Accreditation of the Biosphere distinction

What to do in Pyrenees Barcelona

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A respite in nature

Peace and quiet. Berguedà is a paradise for those who need to flee from the city and get away from it all, even if only for a few hours, in nature at its most peaceful. Stress is nowhere to be seen in this mountain region... and nobody misses it at all! This is a land where purity reigns.

A family break in the countryside

Tired of the city? Close to Barcelona, you can enjoy nature in farm cottages and traditional rural accommodation in small villages or in the heart of the countryside. With all kinds of amenities and a wide range of complementary activities, a stay in these establishments is always an interesting experience for the young and old alike. And there are over 700 of them to choose from!

Ideas for enjoying nature close to Barcelona

If you’re the sort of person who enjoys combining cultural visits in cities with nature excursions, here are four of the routes favoured by Barcelona locals, who also like to get away from it all and enjoy the outdoors, especially when these beauty spots are so close to home. These routes offer something for everyone and, like almost every other route in the country, can be enjoyed all year round.

Life in textile model villages

If you have a curious mind and are looking for a family-friendly activity, then plan a day trip to the colònies tèxtils (textile model villages) of the regions of Barcelona. Built between the end of the 19th century and the early 20th century, they’re still full of working machines, fabrics you’re allowed to touch and plenty of amazing stories. Ready to journey into the past?


More Pyrenees Barcelona suggestions

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<p>Sau reservoir</p>

Interested in enjoying intense sensations doing a simple sport that does not require you to have a special physical shape? Why not try canoeing? Alone, with friends or with family, canoeing or kayaking is a great way to unwind from your day-to-day responsibilities and feel at one with nature. As you stroke your way along, what you will feel is absolute freedom. So what are you waiting for?

<p>Caiac als Colls-Miralpeix</p>

Aquest estiu, refresca’t en família! Remullades, rutes vora el mar, esports aquàtics i banys d’aigua dolça. Si et falten idees per passar uns mesos de calor ben fresquets, aquí et proposem 9 idees per gaudir al màxim amb els petits de casa. Agafa el banyador, les xancletes i la tovallola i prepara’t per viure aventures úniques. 

<p>Masia Can Pascol</p>

Què busques quan busques casa rural? Un entorn natural? Una casa confortable? Un lloc per desconnectar? Llar de foc? Spa? Si has respost afirmativament alguna d’aquestes preguntes, has arribat al lloc ideal perquè aquí te’n recomanem algunes que, a més de tot això, són cases rurals sostenibles amb una petjada energètica zero (o quasi) per cuidar l’entorn i el lloc que visitaràs. Triar-les depèn només de tu.

Showing 28 - 30 of 80 results.

Pyrenees Barcelona. A natural paradise

An mountain oasis for those keen to get away from the city and breathe in some pure air

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