Setmana Santa

Setmana Santa a les comarques de Barcelona és molt més! Fires, processons, teatre, tallers familiars... tot i més perquè gaudeixis de la Setmana Santa on vulguis i amb qui vulguis.

Activitats de Setmana Santa

Un moment ideal per gaudir de les tradicions i el temps lliure fent allò que més t'agrada. Treu l'agenda i aprofita al màxim la Setmana Santa
Tasta Can Calopa
Culture and traditions

Descobreix el celler on neix l’únic vi elaborat a Barcelona.

Sweet Easter

Although Easter is no longer celebrated with the religious fervour of bygone times, the passion for all things sweet remains intact, if the myriad traditional desserts prepared at this time of year are anything to go by. Some are staples throughout Catalonia, while others are only made in certain towns or regions. However, they’re all cheap and easy to make, as well as being delicious. Do you fancy tasting them?

Easter most traditional

Processions, Passion Plays, candlelight vigils and sweets foods made from the finest local produce await you and are closer than you think. In the regions of Barcelona, Easter is not celebrated with the same religious fervour as elsewhere, but it does have deep-rooted traditions that adeptly combine spectacle and liturgy. Do you know the best ways to fully enjoy the festival?

Delicious Lent

In ancient times, when Vella Quaresma (Old Lady Lent) arrived with her seven legs poking out from under her skirt, everyone knew what it meant: it was time for fasting and abstinence! After all the excesses encouraged by the Carnestoltes (Carnival King), it was time to go on a diet, forsaking meat, eggs and milk in preparation for Easter. However, these restrictions didn’t mean that dishes were plain or basic; not by a long chalk! Our ancestors knew how to make the most of the ingredients that were allowed in order to carry on enjoying good cuisine; traditional dishes that are still made today in homes across Catalonia or at the culinary get-togethers held over the seven weeks of Lent.
