
The regions of Barcelona are the ideal setting for enjoying a wide range of activities that combine sport and tourism, whether at superb facilities or in the great outdoors. There are all sorts of options for staying active. Discover them!

Trip ideas

Don’t miss out on our sports plans
<p>Una experiència enoturística a l'alça</p>

les cinc denominacions d'origen del vi i el cava que hi ha a les comarques de Barcelona pots fer de tot: aprendre a distingir entre un vi jove i un vi de criança, participar en les tasques diàries d'un celler, descobrir les diferents varietats de raïm, dormir en una finca vitivinícola... I, si t'agrada caminar, també pots seguir qualsevol dels itineraris senyalitzats que transcorren entre vinyes. Se t'acut una manera millor de passar el cap de setmana?

<p>Hiking on Pedraforca</p>

Switch off from work. Get out of your chair. Put your smartphone away … Look! Just a stone’s throw away from Barcelona, there are a host of natural areas where you can enjoy nature. Among iconic mountains, pine and holm oak forests, peaks overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and quiet valleys, you’re sure to find an inviting setting that will have you reaching for your walking boots and backpack. Welcome to hiker’s paradise!

<p>Santa Susanna Marine Resort</p>

The Costa Barcelona, with its long coastline and great Mediterranean climate, boasts an offering of amenities and services in keeping with its superb natural attributes. However, the real jewels in its crown are its water sports centres, which make the sea accessible not only to professional or amateur sportspeople but also to anyone who wants to enjoy the water, with no long waits, no problems and with a top-quality experience assured!

Showing 4 - 6 of 10 results.


Discover the most magical places in the regions of Barcelona


Les millors rutes per fer en BTT, carretera i en família


Descobreix totes les opcions que tens per gaudir del turisme nàutic a les comarques de Barcelona

Coming soon…

Don’t miss a thing!

Tria entre un munt de propostes per descobrir cada cap de setmana un parc natural diferent.


Exhibition on the history of regattas in Catalonia.


This exhibition explores the challenges faced by six leading women in the world of sailing and the different ways they tackle them...

Showing 1 - 3 of 34 results.

Guides and maps

Plan your stay

Discover Costa Barcelona

Where it all starts with the sea

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Nautical activities

Discover the nautical station of Vilanova i la Geltrú.