Sun and Beaches

At the coastal peoples of the regions of Barcelona is very easy to find the beach that you are seeking. It discovers your corner preferred of the Mediterranean and enjoys of the infinite pleasures of the sun and the sea.

Informació sobre les platges del litoral català

PlatgesCat és una aplicació de la Generalitat de Catalunya que proporciona informació en línia sobre gairebé 300 platges de la costa catalana.


Trip ideas

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<p>Caiac als Colls-Miralpeix</p>

Aquest estiu, refresca’t en família! Remullades, rutes vora el mar, esports aquàtics i banys d’aigua dolça. Si et falten idees per passar uns mesos de calor ben fresquets, aquí et proposem 9 idees per gaudir al màxim amb els petits de casa. Agafa el banyador, les xancletes i la tovallola i prepara’t per viure aventures úniques. 

<p>Garraf's beach</p>

We just love the sea and every single one of the beaches along the 100-km stretch of coastline that makes up the Costa Barcelona. To the north you'll find wide and long beaches, such as those of Calella and Santa Susanna. Meanwhile, to the south, fine, golden-sand beaches, such as those of Castelldefels, stand in stark contrast to the sheer cliffs of the Garraf coast and small coves tucked among them, such as La Vinyeta, easily accessible.

<p>Beaches forever</p>

Going to the beach is many people’s favourite holiday activity, and with more than 100 kilometres of seafront, the regions of Barcelona are the ideal destination for beach lovers. However, in order to maintain a clean, well-conserved coastline, it’s essential to be environmentally aware. Here are five basic tips to ensure sustainable tourism on the Costa Barcelona.

Showing 7 - 9 of 13 results.

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Where it all starts with the sea

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