Sun and Beaches

At the coastal peoples of the regions of Barcelona is very easy to find the beach that you are seeking. It discovers your corner preferred of the Mediterranean and enjoys of the infinite pleasures of the sun and the sea.

Informació sobre les platges del litoral català

PlatgesCat és una aplicació de la Generalitat de Catalunya que proporciona informació en línia sobre gairebé 300 platges de la costa catalana.


Trip ideas

Don’t miss out on our sun and sand plans
<p>Red prawns in Vilanova's fish market</p>

With over 100 kilometres of blue Mediterranean coastline, it is easy to understand why the municipalities of Costa Barcelona have such a close relationship with the sea. The origins of many villages, towns and cities in Maresme, Barcelonès, Baix Llobregat and Garraf, lie in fishing, maritime trade and shipbuilding – origins that for many of these places are by no means a distant memory. Along this stretch of coastline, fishing remains one of the main industries – a fact that you can see for yourself, if you visit any of the seafood auctions that take place on the region's quaysides every day.

<p>Càmping El Garrofer de Sitges </p>

El glàmping és una opció que té cada cop més tirada per gaudir de la natura sense renunciar a cap comoditat. El nom ve de l’anglès: glamorous càmping. No cal explicar molt més per entendre que és una experiència que et promet relax i tranquil·litat amb tots els luxes. A continuació, et proposem algunes opcions que tens molt a prop per gaudir de la costa, dels Pirineus i dels millors paisatges de les comarques de Barcelona. Les vols descobrir? 

<p>Natural Areas of the Llobregat Delta</p>

Do you find that when Friday comes around, you’ve had no time to plan the weekend? Maybe you fancy a change of scenery without getting stuck in motorway traffic. Well, it so happens that you have all sorts of options for enjoying culture and nature respectfully and sustainably, and they’re much closer than you might think. You’re probably already familiar with the sustainable tourism label Biosphere, but you may not yet know about the places we describe below, which are certified as sustainable. They’ll provide you with some unforgettable moments, so let’s discover them!

Showing 4 - 6 of 13 results.

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Where it all starts with the sea

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