Sun and beaches

In the coastal towns of Barcelona's regions, it is very easy to find the beach you are looking for. Discover your favorite spot in the Mediterranean and enjoy the never-ending pleasures of the sun and the sea.

Trip ideas

Don’t miss out on our sun and sand plans

Which Barcelona do you know? The beaches of Maresme, Montserrat, Montseny or Sitges are some of the jewels you should visit if you come to Barcelona this summer. Set aside a couple of days to discover a unique region with a cultural, natural and culinary heritage that will surprise you.

<p>Espais Naturals del Delta del Llobregat</p>

Arribes al divendres sense temps per planejar el cap de setmana? Potser et ve de gust canviar d’aires sense empassar-te les cues de l'autopista. Doncs molt més a prop del que et penses tens moltes opcions per gaudir de la cultura i la natura de forma respectuosa i sostenible. Segurament ja coneixes el segell de turisme sostenible Biosphere; el que potser encara no has descobert són aquests llocs que et faran gaudir de moments inoblidables. Els descobrim?

<p>El Masnou beach</p>

In your opinion, what is the greatest thing about Maresme? Summer? Its many sunny days and good weather all year round? Its bright blue skies? That there is no need to choose between the sea and the mountains? There are many reasons to come and visit Maresme... Today we add another one: The Maresme region boasts a hundred companies certified with the Biosphere sustainability label. This involves people working to improve products and services and minimise the impact on nature and the environment. Below you will find some of these 100 plans for you to choose from this summer. Read on, as they will surprise you!

Showing 4 - 6 of 11 results.

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