
Forget about work. Get away from it. And relax! Over a hundred thousand hectares of protected areas wait for you within close reach of the city of Barcelona. Discover the perfect setting to reconnect with nature!

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<p>Espais Naturals del Delta del Llobregat</p>

Arribes al divendres sense temps per planejar el cap de setmana? Potser et ve de gust canviar d’aires sense empassar-te les cues de l'autopista. Doncs molt més a prop del que et penses tens moltes opcions per gaudir de la cultura i la natura de forma respectuosa i sostenible. Segurament ja coneixes el segell de turisme sostenible Biosphere; el que potser encara no has descobert són aquests llocs que et faran gaudir de moments inoblidables. Els descobrim?

<p>A walk in the woods</p>

Lots of people dream of a holiday in the countryside, staying in the heart of nature, trying typical dishes, discovering traditional trades and experiencing village life. Are you one of them? Keep reading! You’ll find a selection of suggestions for enjoying sustainable rural tourism in the regions of Barcelona.

<p>The Caves of Montserrat in Collbató</p>

A good way to explore the Bages and Moianès regions is to follow the suggestions of the Geopark of Central Catalonia, which unifies the valuable geological and mining heritage of the area. Although it may be hard to believe, this area was ocean 37 million years ago. In fact, the evidence of its presence is there to see in the many spectacular rock formations and natural resources that have survived to this day!

Showing 10 - 10 of 10 results.


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Discover Pyrenees Barcelona

A captivating landscape with spectacular mountains and a land of myths and legends

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Sustainable tourism

Biosphere certified destination