37a Copa Amèrica de Vela

Aquest estiu, pots sentir tota l'emoció de la Copa Amèrica de Vela i veure en directe la competició dels vaixells més ràpids del món.  A partir del 22 d'agost, gaudeix del mar i de la Costa Barcelona per descobrir un esdeveniment únic que per primera vegada aterra a casa nostra. 

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Què fer durant la Copa Amèrica?

El Village de la Copa Amèrica de Vela té una àmplia proposta d'activitats durant tota la competició, però a més, molt a prop teu t'estan esperant museus, festes, fires i centenars d'activitats. Vols descobrir-les?

Què pots fer quan vinguis al Village... 

Programa Copa America

Descarrega't el programa del Village. Un munt de propostes per viure la Copa Amèrica de Vela de la millor manera possible: Activitats familiars, trobades, xerrades i moltes sorpreses més!

Un esdeveniment per gaudir des del mar i des de terra! 

A més de la regata, hi ha moltes activitats que pots fer durant aquestes dates a prop de Barcelona

Mediterranean Guitar Festival
Culture and traditions

El Mediterraean Guitar Festival ens torna a portar el millor so de la guitarra espanyola en el marc incomparable de l'Ermita de Sa...

NEC'23 Nits d'Estiu de Calella
Culture and traditions

Viu un festival de música en entorns únics i gaudeix de les nits d'estiu.

Culture and traditions

L’exposició «Cossos que parlen» explora la representació del cos femení en el món del còmic des de principis del segle XX fins l’a...

Culture and traditions

«Estiueig de proximitat, 1850-1950» convida repensar el paisatge dels entorns actuals de la ciutat de Barcelona tot seguint l’empr...

Sheepdog Trials in Castellar de n’Hug
Culture and traditions

“Jau Coloma” (“Lie down, Coloma!”), “Passa cap allà” (“Go over there”). Would you like to hear these commands in person? Then head...

Gastronomy and wine tourism

The wineries of the Penedès Wine Route are keen to welcome you at this most eagerly awaited time of year. Enjoy a special day out ...

Showing 1 - 6 of 18 results.

Viu tota l'alegria de les festes majors!

Festa Major (Main Town Festival) of Whites and Blues
Culture and traditions

For its Festa Major (Main Town Festival), Granollers is split into two colours: white and blue. The two groups compete with each o...

Culture and traditions

La Festa Major, declarada com a festa patrimonial d’interès nacional, és la festa gran de Sitges.

Culture and traditions

The Montmeló race track buzzes with excitement during the Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix, one of the year’s most important motorspor...

Showing 1 - 3 of 8 results.

Descobreix Costa Barcelona

<p>Roca Grossa Beach in Calella de la Costa</p>

In the regions of Barcelona, it is easy to find the beach you are looking for: a secluded cove where you can enjoy the sound of the waves, a family beach with all amenities or a sandy stretch ideal for doing sport. Its twenty-five coastal villages have a lot to offer! You can even find several nudist beaches. Have you been to any yet?

<p>Vilanova Park Camping</p>

Waking up in the heart of nature at whatever time you fancy. Strolling to the campsite supermarket to buy some freshly-baked bread. An entertainment team, a babysitting service and all sorts of amenities for kids. A restaurant serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, if you don’t feel like cooking. The chance to meet new friends. Excellent value for money. A family camping holiday has plenty going for it. But guess what! You’ll find even more advantages in the regions of Barcelona!

<p>A route on horseback in Osona</p>

From the Serra del Cadí in the Pre-Pyrenees to the Mediterranean coast, you’ll find a wide variety of impressive landscapes in the natural areas of the regions of Barcelona. The pine forests of Maresme, the wetlands of Baix Llobregat, the cliffs of Garraf, the vineyards of Penedès or the rugged mountains of Berguedà are all magnificent settings that you can explore on foot, by bicycle or —why not?— on horseback. In an area with plenty of waymarked trails and a superb range of equestrian tourism options, what’s stopping you from going for a gallop?

Showing 1 - 3 of 85 results.

Saps tot el que pots fer a Costa Barcelona?

Witches’ Fair in Sant Feliu Sasserra
Culture and traditions

Are you curious about the world of witches? Sant Feliu Sasserra will explain everything about the witches that were executed in th...

Gastronomy and wine tourism

Discover and sample the different ways of preparing the most typical dish of the Penedès and Garraf regions at the Xató Festival i...

Showing 46 - 44 of 44 results.


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