Sustainable tourism
10 ideas for being a responsible traveller
Ideas for a sustainable trip
In your opinion, what is the greatest thing about Maresme? Summer? Its many sunny days and good weather all year round? Its bright blue skies? That there is no need to choose between the sea and the mountains? There are many reasons to come and visit Maresme... Today we add another one: The Maresme region boasts a hundred companies certified with the Biosphere sustainability label. This involves people working to improve products and services and minimise the impact on nature and the environment. Below you will find some of these 100 plans for you to choose from this summer. Read on, as they will surprise you!
If you enjoy combining your walk with a swim, you’re in luck: you’ll find plenty of paths in the regions of Barcelona that are ideal for exploring the coastline on foot. Signposted and waymarked, they often boast information panels listing the characteristics of the route. A great deal of effort has been made with these paths to ensure that no one gets lost and that everyone can discover the beautiful landscape and nature of this part of the Mediterranean region.
Has experimentat mai com és un dia amb alguna diversitat funcional? S’han de superar moltes barreres, però, i a l’hora de viatjar o fer turisme? La cosa encara es complica més. Avui t’ensenyem tres exemples de pobles i empreses Biosphere a Osona que han adaptat la seva activitat per fer-la cada cop més accessible perquè tothom gaudeixi del seu temps lliure i de descobrir nous indrets.
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