Sustainable tourism
10 ideas for being a responsible traveller
Ideas for a sustainable trip
Aconseguir escapar-te amb els amics o amigues un parell de dies és d’aquells plans que t’alegren la vida. Costa consensuar el cap de setmana, el lloc, el pressupost i encara costa més deixar totes les obligacions ben ateses: la feina, els fills, els pares i l’eterna llista de coses pendents que mai no s’acaba... però quan ho aconsegueixes i de cop tens 24 o 48 hores per compartir, cuidar-te i celebrar l’amistat et retrobes a tu mateix i assaboreixes la felicitat fent el que t’agrada. Això és el que fan la Gemma i les seves amigues, cada any una s’encarrega d’organitzar l’escapada i aquest any han triat el Bages. Vols saber per què?
Do you find that when Friday comes around, you’ve had no time to plan the weekend? Maybe you fancy a change of scenery without getting stuck in motorway traffic. Well, it so happens that you have all sorts of options for enjoying culture and nature respectfully and sustainably, and they’re much closer than you might think. You’re probably already familiar with the sustainable tourism label Biosphere, but you may not yet know about the places we describe below, which are certified as sustainable. They’ll provide you with some unforgettable moments, so let’s discover them!
Going to the beach is many people’s favourite holiday activity, and with more than 100 kilometres of seafront, the regions of Barcelona are the ideal destination for beach lovers. However, in order to maintain a clean, well-conserved coastline, it’s essential to be environmentally aware. Here are five basic tips to ensure sustainable tourism on the Costa Barcelona.
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