Culture and traditions

Discover a spectacular heritage while strolling around villages and towns in Barcelona's regions. Participate in traditional festivals and let museums nourish your sensibility.

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<p>Castellers de Vilafranca</p>

Strength, balance, courage and common sense, the four key concepts of human tower building, repeated like a mantra by its practitioners. For spectators, the most appropriate words might be thrills, nerves, suspense and joy. Without a doubt, to experience a human tower building event is to navigate a sea of sensations. So it’s no wonder that UNESCO inscribed this Catalan tradition par excellence on its list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Very close to Barcelona you will find a great many examples of modernista works created between the 19th and 20th centuries. Urban palaces and holiday homes, churches and hospitals, warehouses and gardens, factories and cellars, all with the signature of the great architects of the movement in Catalonia: Antoni Gaudí, Lluís Domènech i Montaner, and Josep Puig i Cadafalch, among others. To commemorate this cultural trend, different towns and cities are organizing festivals and fairs to recover their aesthetic quality. Want to find out more about them?

<p>Fira Medieval i Festa de la Sal de Cardona</p>

Una de les formes més comunes de reviure l'època medieval a Catalunya i Barcelona és apropar-se al seu vast llegat romànic i gòtic. Però el que molts no saben és la quantitat de fires medievals que es poden gaudir al llarg de l'any en molts municipis ben a tocar de Barcelona.

Showing 10 - 12 of 86 results.

Coming soon…

Don’t miss a thing!
Culture and traditions

The Mediterranean Guitar Festival once again brings us the brilliant sounds of the Spanish guitar in two wonderful settings in Sit...

Exposició: Caixmir, la llàgrima persa
Culture and traditions

El caixmir és un motiu present a les nostres robes des de fa més de quatre-cents anys i un dels dissenys més exitosos de la moda o...

Culture and traditions

Vine a conèixer l’obra arquitectònica de Lluís Muncunill, l’arquitecte més prolífer de Terrassa, des de llocs poc habituals i amb ...

Visita familiar dinamitzada Palau Güell
Culture and traditions

La visita ''Els documents secrets de Gaudí'' ofereix als infants, mitjançant un joc de pistes, una manera lúdica i entretinguda de...

Mediterranean Guitar Festival
Culture and traditions

Concerts de guitarra espanyola i flamenc a l'església de Santa Maria i Sant Nicolau.

Culture and traditions

Experience a music festival in unique settings and enjoy the summer nights.

Showing 1 - 6 of 50 results.

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Catalan Modernism

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Fires i festes

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