Culture and traditions

Discover a spectacular heritage while strolling around villages and towns in Barcelona's regions. Participate in traditional festivals and let museums nourish your sensibility.

Trip ideas

Don’t miss out on our plans for enjoying culture and traditions
<p>El Masnou beach</p>

In your opinion, what is the greatest thing about Maresme? Summer? Its many sunny days and good weather all year round? Its bright blue skies? That there is no need to choose between the sea and the mountains? There are many reasons to come and visit Maresme... Today we add another one: The Maresme region boasts a hundred companies certified with the Biosphere sustainability label. This involves people working to improve products and services and minimise the impact on nature and the environment. Below you will find some of these 100 plans for you to choose from this summer. Read on, as they will surprise you!

<p>Red prawns in Vilanova's fish market</p>

With over 100 kilometres of blue Mediterranean coastline, it is easy to understand why the municipalities of Costa Barcelona have such a close relationship with the sea. The origins of many villages, towns and cities in Maresme, Barcelonès, Baix Llobregat and Garraf, lie in fishing, maritime trade and shipbuilding – origins that for many of these places are by no means a distant memory. Along this stretch of coastline, fishing remains one of the main industries – a fact that you can see for yourself, if you visit any of the seafood auctions that take place on the region's quaysides every day.

<p>Esclat de Foc 2021 (Foto: Associació Festa de la Fil·loxera)</p>

El cava és conegut internacionalment i acostuma a presidir molts àpats i celebracions importants. Forma part de la nostra quotidianitat i és una de les begudes que sempre veus a taula, des que ets petit i et preguntes si aquelles bombolles que no et deixen tastar faran pessigolles a la boca. Però, has pensat mai com i per què es va començar a produir cava al Penedès? La història ens porta a Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, en uns moments dramàtics del segle XIX, quan la fil·loxera va acabar amb el 90% de les vinyes de tot Europa...

Showing 13 - 15 of 86 results.

Coming soon…

Don’t miss a thing!
Culture and traditions

The Mediterranean Guitar Festival once again brings us the brilliant sounds of the Spanish guitar in two wonderful settings in Sit...

Exposició: Caixmir, la llàgrima persa
Culture and traditions

El caixmir és un motiu present a les nostres robes des de fa més de quatre-cents anys i un dels dissenys més exitosos de la moda o...

Culture and traditions

Vine a conèixer l’obra arquitectònica de Lluís Muncunill, l’arquitecte més prolífer de Terrassa, des de llocs poc habituals i amb ...

Visita familiar dinamitzada Palau Güell
Culture and traditions

La visita ''Els documents secrets de Gaudí'' ofereix als infants, mitjançant un joc de pistes, una manera lúdica i entretinguda de...

Mediterranean Guitar Festival
Culture and traditions

Concerts de guitarra espanyola i flamenc a l'església de Santa Maria i Sant Nicolau.

Culture and traditions

Experience a music festival in unique settings and enjoy the summer nights.

Showing 1 - 6 of 50 results.

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Catalan Modernism

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