Culture and traditions

Discover a spectacular heritage while strolling around villages and towns in Barcelona's regions. Participate in traditional festivals and let museums nourish your sensibility.

Trip ideas

Don’t miss out on our plans for enjoying culture and traditions
<p>Abbey of Santa Maria de Montserrat</p>

Do you need to get away from the stress of daily life and reconnect with yourself? Visit the monasteries and sanctuaries of the regions of Barcelona and immerse yourself in total peace and silence. Spend some time in these beautiful buildings, filled with works of art and surrounded by unique landscapes, and your energy levels will be soaring. Welcome to sacred territory!

<p>Una imatge de les fonts del Llobregat al Berguedà</p>

Pyrenean nature, charming villages, some 15 textile model villages and a delta that provides an oasis for peaceful birds, just a stone’s throw from aeroplanes. What links all these elements together? The Llobregat Path! It’s a fully signposted long-distance path stretching 170 km that can be enjoyed in hot and cold weather. It’s a great way to enjoy exploring one of Catalonia’s major rivers on foot or by bike, whichever you prefer. Here are some the stretches we recommend visiting.

<p>Sant Jeroni de la Murtra</p>

Visiting a monastery is always fascinating. Its monumental architecture, the sense of peace and quiet it exudes, the beauty of its cloisters, the works of art it treasures... But the experience is even better if we can discover their hidden mysteries. We’re going to tell you four stories and legends so that you can become familiar with the monumental sites in the regions of Barcelona.

Showing 1 - 3 of 86 results.

Coming soon…

Don’t miss a thing!
Culture and traditions

The Mediterranean Guitar Festival once again brings us the brilliant sounds of the Spanish guitar in two wonderful settings in Sit...

Visita guiada a l'església romànica de Sant Vicenç de Rus
Culture and traditions

Antiga església parroquial de Castellar de N’Hug. És una església segona consagrada el 1106 per Ot, bisbe d’Urgell.

Exposició: Caixmir, la llàgrima persa
Culture and traditions

El caixmir és un motiu present a les nostres robes des de fa més de quatre-cents anys i un dels dissenys més exitosos de la moda o...

Culture and traditions

Vine a conèixer l’obra arquitectònica de Lluís Muncunill, l’arquitecte més prolífer de Terrassa, des de llocs poc habituals i amb ...

Visita familiar dinamitzada Palau Güell
Culture and traditions

La visita ''Els documents secrets de Gaudí'' ofereix als infants, mitjançant un joc de pistes, una manera lúdica i entretinguda de...

Mediterranean Guitar Festival
Culture and traditions

Concerts de guitarra espanyola i flamenc a l'església de Santa Maria i Sant Nicolau.

Showing 1 - 6 of 50 results.

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Catalan Modernism

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