Among beaches and peaks, the Maresme region is the quintessential Mediterranean paradise. An ideal place for water sports, with many alternative activities to also enjoy the mountains.

Perfect plans!

Explore travel ideas
Postcards from Mataró

Have you have arrived in a place and not wanted to leave because of how great you felt there, how nice the people were and how wonderful everything was? Well, that's how you'll feel if you visit Mataró. The capital of the Maresme region will hook you with its beaches, its Roman legacy and a modernista route that abounds with treasures.

Singing the Praises of Calella

Calella is the tourism capital of the Maresme region, long renowned for the beauty of its beaches. But the city has plenty of other attractions that make it a must-see place to visit in the regions of Barcelona. This essential guide, listing just seven of them, is just a little taster to whet your appetite for exploring the rest!

A green and blue landscape

With a coastline of 40 kilometres, it’s easy to see why everything in Maresme revolves around the sea. Not only does the sea feature in the region’s name (mar means “sea” in Catalan), but also the architectural, culinary and natural heritage of the area is marked by the endless crashing of the waves. So get ready! In this part of the world, passion doesn’t hide behind a mask.


Coming soon…

Don’t miss a thing!
NEC'23 Nits d'Estiu de Calella
Culture and traditions

Experience a music festival in unique settings and enjoy the summer nights.

Les Santes Main Town Festival
Culture and traditions

The Festa Major (Main Town Festival) of Mataró, in honour of Saint Juliana and Saint Semproniana, is once again upon us. Family fu...

Culture and traditions

Manifesta, the European Nomadic Biennial, is coming to Barcelona and its metropolitan region for its 15th edition in 2024.

Catalan Modernist Fair of Canet de Mar
Culture and traditions

Every year, Canet de Mar travels back in time to the turn of the 20th century. Relive the customs and spirit of Catalan Modernism!

European Heritage Days
Culture and traditions

Discover the wealth of heritage in the local area through guided visits, concerts, exhibitions and theatre. Enjoy the European Her...


Maresme: unexplored and irresistible!

Nestled between beaches and mountains, the Maresme region is the quintessential Mediterranean experience.


Guides and maps

Plan your stay

Cities and towns. Choose where you want to go!

Where to eat?

From Michelin-starred restaurants to small mountain inns who serve hearty traditional breakfasts

Catalan cuisine

Slow food

Local Products

Culinary associations


Where to sleep?

A romantic weekend, a family holidays or a business meeting – in Barcelona's regions, you can find accommodation for all occasions!

Hostels and refuges


Rural tourism




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