Vallès Oriental

In El Vallès Oriental there are many ways to enjoy your leisure time. Nature walks, cultural tours, sporting events and thermalism are the main strengths of a region with a wide range of attractions.

Perfect plans!

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An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> imgJson.classPK  [in template "18771710#18771743#352075416" at line 82, column 87]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign url = "/documents/" + imgJson...  [in template "18771710#18771743#352075416" at line 82, column 34]
1<#if !entries?has_content> 
2	<#if !themeDisplay.isSignedIn()> 
3		${renderRequest.setAttribute("PORTLET_CONFIGURATOR_VISIBILITY", true)} 
4	</#if> 
6	<div class="alert alert-info"> 
7		<@liferay_ui["message"] key="there-are-no-results" /> 
8	</div> 
11<div class="container"> 
12    <ul class="nav justify-content-center my-4 row no-gutters nav-tabs-my" id="pills-tab"> 
13        <#list entries as entry> 
14        	<#assign 
15        		entry = entry 
17        		assetRenderer = entry.getAssetRenderer() 
19        		entryTitle = htmlUtil.escape(assetRenderer.getTitle(locale)) 
21        		viewURL = assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, assetRenderer, entry, !stringUtil.equals(assetLinkBehavior, "showFullContent")) 
22        	/> 
24    	    <li class="nav-item col"> 
25                <a class="nav-link ${(entry?index==0)?then('active', '')}" id="pills-idea1-tab" data-toggle="pill" href="#pills-idea${entry?index+1}"> 
26                  <div class="text-uppercase mt-2">Idea ${entry?index+1}</div> 
27                </a> 
28            </li> 
29    	</#list> 
30    </ul> 
32    <div class="tab-content border-big p-4" id="pills-tab-content"> 
33    <#list entries as entry> 
34    	<#assign 
35    		entry = entry 
36    		assetRenderer = entry.getAssetRenderer() 
37    		entryTitle = htmlUtil.escape(assetRenderer.getTitle(locale)) 
38    		journalArticle = assetRenderer.getArticle() 
39    		viewURL = "/-/" + journalArticle.getUrlTitle() 
40    		languageId = localeUtil.toLanguageId(locale) 
41    	/> 
43    	<#assign boto = languageUtil.get(locale, "turisme.ves-hi") /> 
44    	<#assign docXml = /> 
45    	<#assign default_language_id = docXml.valueOf("/root/@default-locale")/> 
46    	<#assign entradeta = docXml.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='entradeta']/dynamic-content[@language-id='"+ languageId + "']/text()") /> 
47    	<#if !entradeta?has_content>  
48            <#assign entradeta = docXml.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='entradeta']/dynamic-content[@language-id='"+ default_language_id + "']/text()") /> 
49        </#if>  
51        <div class="tab-pane fade show ${(entry?index==0)?then('active', '')}" id="pills-idea${entry?index+1}"> 
52            <div class="card border-0 shadow-none"> 
53                <div class="card-body"> 
54                    <div class="row"> 
55                      <div class="col-md-6 text-left"> 
56                        <div class="card-title"> 
57                            <#if (entryTitle?length > 7 ) > 
58                                <span class="text-big-underline">${entryTitle[0..7]}</span>${entryTitle[8..]} 
59                            <#else> 
60                                <span class="text-big-underline">${entryTitle}</span> 
61                            </#if> 
62                        </div> 
63                        <div class="card-text text-justify mt-3">	 
64                            ${entradeta}  
65                        </div> 
66                        <a class="btn btn-my-primary text-uppercase mt-4 mb-4" href="${viewURL}">${boto}</a> 
67                      </div> 
68                      <div class="col-md-6"> 
69                          <#assign llistaImatges = docXml.selectNodes( "//dynamic-element[@name='imatgeUrl']") /> 
71                          <div id="carousel-${journalArticle.getArticleId()}" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">  
72                            <ol class="carousel-indicators indicator-top-bottom">  
73                            <#list llistaImatges as imatge>  
74                              <li data-target="#carousel-${journalArticle.getArticleId()}" data-slide-to="${imatge?index}" class="${(imatge?index==0)?then('active', '')}" ></li> 
75                            </#list>  
76                            </ol>  
78                            <div class="carousel-inner">  
79                              <#list llistaImatges as imatge> 
80                                 <#assign text = imatge.elementText("dynamic-content") /> 
81                                 <#assign imgJson = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(text)> 
82                                 <#assign url = "/documents/" + imgJson.groupId +"/" +imgJson.classPK +"/"+ imgJson.title +"/"+imgJson.uuid  /> 
83                                <div class="carousel-item ${(imatge?index==0)?then('active', '')}">   
84                                  <img class="d-block w-100" src="${url}"> 
85                                </div>  
86                              </#list> 
87                            </div>   
88                          </div> 
89                      </div> 
90                    </div> 
91                </div> 
92            </div> 
93        </div> 
94    </#list> 
95    </div> 

Coming soon…

Don’t miss a thing!
Culture and traditions

The exhibition “Bodies that Speak” explores the depiction of the female body in the world of comics from the turn of the 20th cent...


Tria entre un munt de propostes per descobrir cada cap de setmana un parc natural diferent.

Culture and traditions

Vine a visitar aquest espectacular conjunt monumental on la força de l’aigua ha conformat un paisatge geològic únic i singular.

Culture and traditions

It powers your curiosity with the Week of the Industrial Tourism.

Culture and traditions

Sessió de planetari que ens aproparà a Júpiter, ben visible en el cel actualment.

Showing 1 - 6 of 17 results.

Vallès Oriental. Come and experience it!

Nature walks, cultural visits, sporting events and spas are the star products of a region with a wide variety of attractions.

Guides and maps

Plan your stay

Cities and towns. Choose where you want to go!

Where to eat?

From Michelin-starred restaurants to small mountain inns who serve hearty traditional breakfasts

Catalan cuisine

Slow food

Local Products

Culinary associations


Where to sleep?

A romantic weekend, a family holidays or a business meeting – in Barcelona's regions, you can find accommodation for all occasions!

Hostels and refuges


Rural tourism




More information