Vallès Oriental

In El Vallès Oriental there are many ways to enjoy your leisure time. Nature walks, cultural tours, sporting events and thermalism are the main strengths of a region with a wide range of attractions.

Perfect plans!

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An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> imgJson.classPK  [in template "18771710#18771743#352075416" at line 82, column 87]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign url = "/documents/" + imgJson...  [in template "18771710#18771743#352075416" at line 82, column 34]
1<#if !entries?has_content> 
2	<#if !themeDisplay.isSignedIn()> 
3		${renderRequest.setAttribute("PORTLET_CONFIGURATOR_VISIBILITY", true)} 
4	</#if> 
6	<div class="alert alert-info"> 
7		<@liferay_ui["message"] key="there-are-no-results" /> 
8	</div> 
11<div class="container"> 
12    <ul class="nav justify-content-center my-4 row no-gutters nav-tabs-my" id="pills-tab"> 
13        <#list entries as entry> 
14        	<#assign 
15        		entry = entry 
17        		assetRenderer = entry.getAssetRenderer() 
19        		entryTitle = htmlUtil.escape(assetRenderer.getTitle(locale)) 
21        		viewURL = assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, assetRenderer, entry, !stringUtil.equals(assetLinkBehavior, "showFullContent")) 
22        	/> 
24    	    <li class="nav-item col"> 
25                <a class="nav-link ${(entry?index==0)?then('active', '')}" id="pills-idea1-tab" data-toggle="pill" href="#pills-idea${entry?index+1}"> 
26                  <div class="text-uppercase mt-2">Idea ${entry?index+1}</div> 
27                </a> 
28            </li> 
29    	</#list> 
30    </ul> 
32    <div class="tab-content border-big p-4" id="pills-tab-content"> 
33    <#list entries as entry> 
34    	<#assign 
35    		entry = entry 
36    		assetRenderer = entry.getAssetRenderer() 
37    		entryTitle = htmlUtil.escape(assetRenderer.getTitle(locale)) 
38    		journalArticle = assetRenderer.getArticle() 
39    		viewURL = "/-/" + journalArticle.getUrlTitle() 
40    		languageId = localeUtil.toLanguageId(locale) 
41    	/> 
43    	<#assign boto = languageUtil.get(locale, "turisme.ves-hi") /> 
44    	<#assign docXml = /> 
45    	<#assign default_language_id = docXml.valueOf("/root/@default-locale")/> 
46    	<#assign entradeta = docXml.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='entradeta']/dynamic-content[@language-id='"+ languageId + "']/text()") /> 
47    	<#if !entradeta?has_content>  
48            <#assign entradeta = docXml.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='entradeta']/dynamic-content[@language-id='"+ default_language_id + "']/text()") /> 
49        </#if>  
51        <div class="tab-pane fade show ${(entry?index==0)?then('active', '')}" id="pills-idea${entry?index+1}"> 
52            <div class="card border-0 shadow-none"> 
53                <div class="card-body"> 
54                    <div class="row"> 
55                      <div class="col-md-6 text-left"> 
56                        <div class="card-title"> 
57                            <#if (entryTitle?length > 7 ) > 
58                                <span class="text-big-underline">${entryTitle[0..7]}</span>${entryTitle[8..]} 
59                            <#else> 
60                                <span class="text-big-underline">${entryTitle}</span> 
61                            </#if> 
62                        </div> 
63                        <div class="card-text text-justify mt-3">	 
64                            ${entradeta}  
65                        </div> 
66                        <a class="btn btn-my-primary text-uppercase mt-4 mb-4" href="${viewURL}">${boto}</a> 
67                      </div> 
68                      <div class="col-md-6"> 
69                          <#assign llistaImatges = docXml.selectNodes( "//dynamic-element[@name='imatgeUrl']") /> 
71                          <div id="carousel-${journalArticle.getArticleId()}" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">  
72                            <ol class="carousel-indicators indicator-top-bottom">  
73                            <#list llistaImatges as imatge>  
74                              <li data-target="#carousel-${journalArticle.getArticleId()}" data-slide-to="${imatge?index}" class="${(imatge?index==0)?then('active', '')}" ></li> 
75                            </#list>  
76                            </ol>  
78                            <div class="carousel-inner">  
79                              <#list llistaImatges as imatge> 
80                                 <#assign text = imatge.elementText("dynamic-content") /> 
81                                 <#assign imgJson = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(text)> 
82                                 <#assign url = "/documents/" + imgJson.groupId +"/" +imgJson.classPK +"/"+ imgJson.title +"/"+imgJson.uuid  /> 
83                                <div class="carousel-item ${(imatge?index==0)?then('active', '')}">   
84                                  <img class="d-block w-100" src="${url}"> 
85                                </div>  
86                              </#list> 
87                            </div>   
88                          </div> 
89                      </div> 
90                    </div> 
91                </div> 
92            </div> 
93        </div> 
94    </#list> 
95    </div> 

Coming soon…

Don’t miss a thing!
European Park Day

The European Day of Parks is held on 24 May! Free activities, guided routes, festive mornings, kids’ workshops, photography compet...

Showing 7 - 7 of 7 results.

Vallès Oriental. Come and experience it!

Nature walks, cultural visits, sporting events and spas are the star products of a region with a wide variety of attractions.

Guides and maps

Plan your stay

Cities and towns. Choose where you want to go!

Where to eat?

From Michelin-starred restaurants to small mountain inns who serve hearty traditional breakfasts

Catalan cuisine

Slow food

Local Products

Culinary associations


Where to sleep?

A romantic weekend, a family holidays or a business meeting – in Barcelona's regions, you can find accommodation for all occasions!

Hostels and refuges


Rural tourism




More information