Gastronomy and wine tourism

Discover the culinary specialities of the world-renowned cuisine of the regions of Barcelona, along with their five Designation of Origin seals, uncovering the secrets and myriad nuances of the area’s wines and cavas.

Trip ideas

Don’t miss out on our gastronomy and wine tourism plans
<p>Ruta del pa al Lluçanès</p>

If you miss real bread, made using artisanal methods, local flours and sourdough, you’ll be pleased to hear that it can still be found in places such as the historic region of Lluçanès, set between the Vic Plain and Berguedà, a special place with a thriving farming sector, where food is not manufactured but made. Whether you’re a modern foodie or a nostalgic old-timer, you’re sure to love the Artisanal Bread and Durum Wheat Route.

<p>Maduixes del Maresme, Arenys de Munt</p>

Would you like to see how the delicious strawberries of the Maresme area are grown? Are you keen to find out how malvasia wine from Sitges is made? Do you fancy seeing a cold cuts production facility in action or having a beekeeper show you their hives? We’ve prepared a gastronomic route for you in the regions of Barcelona on which you’ll discover where everything you eat comes from.

<p>Fira del Formatge a Osona</p>

From grazing cows, sheep and goats to the table in the form of cheese and dairy desserts. There are no secrets in the Lluçanès area; head there whenever it takes your fancy to discover the journey of milk from pasture fields, farms and processing plants to restaurants.

<p>Licor d'Aromes de Montserrat</p>

In addition to its many cultural and tourism attractions, Montserrat stands out for its extensive production of local foods and beverages. We’ve prepared a gastronomic route that takes in various places nestled on this highly spiritual mountain, set in the heart of Catalonia.

<p>Una càmper pel Bages</p>

The Grand Tour of Catalonia is a 2,000-kilometre trip inspired by the great trips of the mid-19th century. It can be completed in its entirety in 13 days or taken at a more leisurely pace, split into five sections of between five and seven days each, which means that you can plan a short break depending on the number of days you have available. Here are three suggestions for a motorhome trip through the finest landscapes of the regions of Barcelona.

<p>Esclat de Foc 2021 (Foto: Associació Festa de la Fil·loxera)</p>

Cava is a world-famous sparkling wine that no important meal or celebration can be without. It’s part of our everyday life, a fixture of the dining table. As children we wonder whether those bubbles we aren’t allowed to taste will tickle our mouths. But have you ever wondered how and why cava began to be produced in the Penedès area? The story takes us to Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, covering dramatic events of the 19th-century history when phylloxera wiped out 90% of Europe’s vineyards...

Showing 7 - 12 of 34 results.

Vins i cellers


Coming soon…

Don’t miss a thing!
Cava Centre
Culture and traditions

An immersive, participatory and playful audio-visual activity that takes you on a journey through the origins, history, enigmas an...


Go on a lovely bike ride among the vineyards and peach orchards of the Penedès area. Head out with a guide or pedal away at your o...

Tasta Can Calopa
Culture and traditions

Descobreix el celler on neix l’únic vi elaborat a Barcelona.

Showing 1 - 3 of 34 results.

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An area with a rural heart

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Barcelona is wine tourism

Lovers of wine tourism affirm that the regions of Barcelona are a true paradis

And they say so because, in recent years, many activities have been devised to discover the landscapes of the different denominations of origin and, at the same time, taste the wines that are made in each area. Interesting proposals that unite the territory with the world of the grape. Do you want to know them? 





Barcelona is wine tourism

Lovers of wine tourism affirm that the regions of Barcelona are a true paradis

And they say so because, in recent years, many activities have been devised to discover the landscapes of the different denominations of origin and, at the same time, taste the wines that are made in each area. Interesting proposals that unite the territory with the world of the grape. Do you want to know them? 









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