Trip ideas
With over 100 kilometres of blue Mediterranean coastline, it is easy to understand why the municipalities of Costa Barcelona have such a close relationship with the sea. The origins of many villages, towns and cities in Maresme, Barcelonès, Baix Llobregat and Garraf, lie in fishing, maritime trade and shipbuilding – origins that for many of these places are by no means a distant memory. Along this stretch of coastline, fishing remains one of the main industries – a fact that you can see for yourself, if you visit any of the seafood auctions that take place on the region's quaysides every day.
Vols celebrar una data especial amb la teva parella amb una experiència única? No cal que agafis un avió i et plantis a l’altra punta del continent. A les comarques de Barcelona tens propostes úniques que deixaran la teva parella ben sorpresa. Et proposem 7 plans perquè escullis el que lliga millor amb l’amor de la teva vida.
Aconseguir escapar-te amb els amics o amigues un parell de dies és d’aquells plans que t’alegren la vida. Costa consensuar el cap de setmana, el lloc, el pressupost i encara costa més deixar totes les obligacions ben ateses: la feina, els fills, els pares i l’eterna llista de coses pendents que mai no s’acaba... però quan ho aconsegueixes i de cop tens 24 o 48 hores per compartir, cuidar-te i celebrar l’amistat et retrobes a tu mateix i assaboreixes la felicitat fent el que t’agrada. Això és el que fan la Gemma i les seves amigues, cada any una s’encarrega d’organitzar l’escapada i aquest any han triat el Bages. Vols saber per què?
No sorprendrà ningú si, en parlar d'enoturisme a la província de Barcelona, mencionem la comarca de l'Alt Penedès. El Penedès és ben conegut en el món vitivinícola a escala internacional i segur que ja ho tenies marcat al teu itinerari. Però les vinyes i la història del vi a Barcelona no acaben allà, deixa'ns descobrir-te unes construccions molt especials i unes vinyes que miren al mar des dels vessants de les muntanyes.
La Cadira (The Chair), La Bardera (named after a nearby ancient farmhouse), El Circell (The Tendril), Sant Pau (Saint Paul) and Balcó del Penedès (Balcony of the Penedès) are the names of the five lookout points that form part of the Miravinya route. This route, designed to be travelled by car, is a fantastic way to discover a good part of the geography of the Alt Penedès region, along with its culture and history. In addition to vineyards, you can also explore mediaeval castles, paper mills, chapels, monasteries, towns and villages, and natural areas of great interest.
Showing 19 - 24 of 34 results.
Vins i cellers
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Guides and maps
Discover Landscapes Barcelona
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Barcelona is wine tourism
And they say so because, in recent years, many activities have been devised to discover the landscapes of the different denominations of origin and, at the same time, taste the wines that are made in each area. Interesting proposals that unite the territory with the world of the grape. Do you want to know them?
Barcelona is wine tourism
And they say so because, in recent years, many activities have been devised to discover the landscapes of the different denominations of origin and, at the same time, taste the wines that are made in each area. Interesting proposals that unite the territory with the world of the grape. Do you want to know them?
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